Vicky Freakazoid @VickyStar

Age 29, Female

Joined on 2/20/11

Exp Points:
10 / 20
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> 100,000
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1.50 votes
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I wont miss this hair color, I never liked it. lmao <3

Posted by VickyStar - April 17th, 2011


I wont miss this hair color, I never liked it.  lmao <3


Vicky :D
Hey watch out there is a guy spamming people and he is putting stuff on peoples posts.

Oh god lol

So I take it from the post you are either dying your hair or just letting your natural hair color grow out?

I already dyed my hair muahaha
this pic was taking this morning and i dyed my hair in the afternoon lol.

What is it now?

Its black with a Greenish blueish Leopard printed streak on one side, lol.

You should totally post it on here.

Yah tomorrow its too dark and my cameras dead, but like underneath the streak its a light brown so it stands out lmao.

^And there is the spammer

Yes lmao

I got that message twice and I deleted the second one.
And if you had any medals they are gone.

I had none

Okay then you don't have to worry about it then

loll imma go to bed, im sick againnnnn mkmk night!!!

NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT AGAIN! :'(
Good Night.

Oh and the whole you taking this in the morning would explain why you look so tired.


Hope you get better soon cause I hate when your sick cause we almost never get to talk.

I knoww I'm sorry Brandonn ):

Its okay Vicky :)
I wish I could go to your house and hug all the sickness out of you.
Cause since I don't normally hug people it must have some kind of healing properties like how Chuck Norris' tears can cure cancer.

lollll =]

Yeah thanks I just remembered that fact.

Lol xDD :3

Yeah but in all seriousness please get better <3

I'll do my best Brandonn <3

Okay cause I want you to get better cause its fun talking to you.


Yeah your a cool person and very nice so therefore your are a fun person too.

thxx =3

Your welcome :D


So how was your day?
I take it you didn't go to school.
Or did you go and do what I do and cough on people to spread whatever sickness you've got?

Cause I do that on the rare occasion that I'm sick cause my dad makes me go to school.

Oh god when I'm sick I stay home without permission

Yeah that's the only thing I don't like about getting sick.
But I get sick like once or twice a year and that's during the winter.
Hey do you want a cookie I made them in foods class on Friday but left them there cause they are cyclops cookies and they have Hershey kisses on them and they started to melt cause the cookies were really hot.

I WANNA COOKIEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well then come here and get one I got 4 left.
Cause there is no way I'm gonna be able to make it there.
And I'm considering getting a Skype account thingy what do you think?


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